Judicial Committee on Information Technology

Mission: To establish standards and guidelines for the systematic implementation and integration of information technology into the trial and appellate courts in Texas

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Location: The Body of Christ, Texas, United States

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Sunday, December 07, 2008

JP Judges Are Not Legally Trained And Make Unqualiified Decisions Harmful And Abusive, Make A Complaint, Put It In Writing, Take Action!!

Judge Complaint Form

State Commission on Judicial Conduct

PO Box 12265 Austin, TX 78711-2265 Tel. (512) 463-5533 · Toll Free: (877) 228-5750

If you are filing a complaint about more than one judge, please use a separate form for each judge.

Please note that faxed complaints will NOT be accepted

For SCJC use only.

Your name: _____________________________________ Mailing Address: _________________________________ City, State Zip: __________________________________

Date of Birth: ___________ TX Driver’s License: _________________ Social Security #: _________________________________________ Your Phones: Day (_____) __________________________ Cell/Other (_____) __________________________

Judge: ________________________________________ Court Number: _________________________________ City and County: _______________________________

Evening (_____) _______________________________Best time to call you: __________________A.M./ P.M.

If your complaint involves a court case, please provide the following information:

Cause Number: _______________________________ Status of your case: o Pending o Concluded o On appeal Your attorney: ________________________________ Opposing Attorney: ______________________________ Address: ____________________________________ Address: ______________________________________ City/Zip: ____________________________________ City/Zip: ______________________________________ Phone Number(s): _____________________________ Phone Number(s): _______________________________

PLEASE FILL IN ALL INFORMATION AVAILABLE FOR ANY WITNESSES (attach additional pages as needed) Name: ______________________________________ Name: __________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ Phone Number(s): _____________________________ Phone Number(s): _________________________________ What did this person witness? ____________________ What did this person witness? ________________________

If you are submitting documents, please provide copies, not originals. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I understand that as part of the Commission’s investigation the judge may be provided a copy of this complaint. Please note – the Commission will do its best to maintain your confidentiality, if you so request. However, it may not be possible for us to pursue our investigation without revealing your identity at some point. If it is necessary to reveal your identity directly to the judge, we will advise you before proceeding.

I request that my identity be kept confidential. Yes _____ No _____

Signature: _____________________________________ Date: __________________

How did you hear about the State Commission on Judicial Conduct? (please select one) __ State Bar of Texas ___ Another State agency ___ News media ___ Attorney ___ Friend ___ Other: ______________________________ Please type or print the details of your complaint on the reverse side.

Revised 02/10/2006 __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

Details of Complaint

Please type or print the factual details of your complaint in the space provided below. Please include the date(s) of the alleged misconduct. If more space is needed, attach additional sheets. Please sign and date each additional sheet. Your complaint should be as specific as possible, PLEASE DO NOT CITE CASE LAW IN YOUR COMPLAINT.

Date(s) of Alleged Misconduct: _______________________________________________________________ Factual Details of your complaint: ____________________________________________________________

Printed Name: ____________________________________________________

Signature_________________________________________________________ Date_______________

Revised 01/13/2004


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